Wednesday, June 11, 2008


STOP watching and reading the News for one week!

Life gets us down without much help, so, why do we bombard ourselves with even more problems? What on earth can be done about things that have hit the local news? More often than not.... NOTHING! However, it is absolutely fantastic at making us feel even worse than before! So, I dare you to turn off the television / or / at least change the channel when the news services come on and watch something thrilling to you! I mean to say, we can't even watch the local weather report without El Nino rearing it's ugly head...! Watch what makes your heart sing - a corny line, BUT, an honest one that will serve you very well...!

Tell those who say "you have to face facts" to sing a different tune because you already have! WHY, (if we are facing facts) don't we get news on ALL THE GOOD STUFF that is out there? Why don't we hear about Joe Bloggs down the street who just won millions of dollars, came across a new invention, little Joey who took his first steps? Because apparently the news has decided on our behalf that we want to hear the gruesome details of a one in a million case!!! BUT, we think it is a regular occurrence because these stories are in the news every single night. Well, don't forget, they scour the GLOBE with a fine tooth comb to get you these "common stories"!

Let's get back to basics.... IF IT FEELS GOOD......DO IT... IF IT FEELS BAD.......DON'T DO IT...!

Short but sweet today, oh so very sweet!

*.*.*. JOY .*.*.*

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