Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Today's post is on nutrition!

I personally discovered that my mood & attitude altered dramatically when I changed my eating-habits.

You don't have to totally change your eating habits. I would suggest a few changes to begin with and just see how this makes you feel over the next few days:

  1. Start to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.
  2. Either stop or cut down your caffeine intake. If you drink a lot of coffee, etc, you will want to gradually phase this out as you find you may get headaches, etc should you try to go cold-turkey!
  3. I am going to generalise this third rule given there are that many out there and it can become overwhelming for us all. Just eat as NATURAL FOOD AS POSSIBLE. In other words, things that are not processed as much, such as: Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Fresh Meats & Fish that are not covered in a batter or a breadcrumb, Wholegrain Breads & Cereals. The closest to it's natural state, the better. Give it one week and see what a difference this makes to your life! :)

TIP: Fish Oil Capsules from your local store or health food supplier can help with nervous tension, containing Omega 3's. AMAZING FOR ANTI-STRESS, TENSION & SCHIZOPHRENIA, THE LIST JUST GOES ON & ON.

IF YOU CAN'T TAKE FISH OIL (EVEN IF YOU CAN), CONSIDER THIS: Eat 5 to 10 Walnuts per day, they are absolutely chock-filled with goodies from Omega-3 to Manganese & Copper which help fight free-radicals in the body! They are also excellent for women suffering from PMS. Helps improve your skin-tone, Cholesterol Problems, High Blood Pressure, Helps to Protect Arteries, Helps Prevent Gallstones, Prevent Weight-Gain, etc. People, the list goes on & on regarding the health benefits in Walnuts...!

BIG TIP OF THE DAY: You may want to check what is in your can of soft-drink / soda / fizzy drink. It has now been noted that (in Australia at least) an ingredient called "Sodium Benzoate" which is put in some drinks is now linked to DNA Damage resulting in hyperactivity in chilren (give them some more time until they realise it affects the human body in general, children AND adults).



*.*.*. JOY .*.*.*

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