Get yourself a couple of A4 Note Books.
- Is for HAPPY THOUGHTS - I will explain below
- Is for WORRYSOME THOUGHTS - Again, read below to find out more :)
Ok, you have your note books, now, what to do...
- HAPPY THOUGHTS - I want you every day when you are feeling your best and ONLY when you are feeling your best (if you don't feel like it on one day, don't do it, it is not supposed to be a chore), write down EVERYTHING that you want. Every feeling you want to feel, every thing you want material-wise (car, clothing, shoes, money, etc), the type of person you would like to be (happier, healthier, fun, loving, etc), the type of partner you want OR what you want out of your current partner. ALSO, what already makes you feel good when you think of it! Write EVERYTHING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT and really milk it for all it is worth, all of the good feelings you can conjure-up, the better it will be for you. Nothing is off-limits here! What you are wanting to do with this exercise is to CHANGE THE MOMENTUM of your life experience and get your mind focusing onto things that make you feel good! In time (not so far in time either), you will find you automatically gravitate towards these things instead of away from them, this is what will WEAKEN YOUR NERVOUS / DEPRESSIVE / ANXIOUS THOUGHTS, YOU ARE LITERALLY DILUTING YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHT-PATTERN! ADD PICTURES of things you want from items to happy people, etc. Once you do this, every night before you go to bed and every morning when you awaken, I want you to read this book and FEEL GOOD about everything you have written!
- WORRYING THOUGHTS - DO NOT DWELL UPON THIS FOR MORE THAN 15 MINUTES EACH DAY - Set a timer and stop when the timer goes off. Also, if you don't feel like doing it DON'T! ONLY do this when you are worrying about something in particular, never over-indulge yourself in this book! What you do is this: Whenever you feel yourself worrying, allocate 15 minutes to writing as much stuff as you can that is troubling you, everything that you can think of, get it all out in the open. In time, or straight-away, you will feel a super-strong urge to cry! This is very Cathartic / Healing for you. I suggest you CRY and LET IT ALL OUT! What you will find is that when you do this, you RELEASE all of that built-up tension inside of you because over time, you have bottled these emotions up and created a pressure-cooker that is ready to explode. The more things you can LET-GO of, the quicker you can MOVE FORWARD and back into the GOOD STUFF :) You may also find that things crop-up out of what seems to be nowhere when you do this. I think of it like clearing out an old cupboard, the further into it you get, the more things you forgot were laying around, but, you don't dwell on it, just acknowledge it was there, be grateful for these thoughts (whatever they are) and then, clear them out also. You will be amazed at your own abilities when you get into this!
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