Saturday, June 14, 2008


I recently had the pleasure in hearing of another's personal problem with getting hives and her doctor prescribing a medication which led her to put on a bit of weight due to the medication...

I did get what was classified as "nerve-related" hives which I discovered could be avoided by avoiding the following foods:

  • Oranges - HIGH Acid Content which I worked out brought them on. I used to drink a fair bit of orange-juice on a regular basis which didn't help the matter!
  • Tomatoes - Again, not a biggie for me personally, however, if you are sensitive to getting rashes, you may want to re-think your tomato intake! They can be the main cause for some people!
  • All citrus - Lemons & Limes, etc
  • And Pineapples

Whilst there may be other foods that cause your rashes to appear, these are the main ones for me personally! Just keep a mental note of what you have eaten over the days leading-up to your break-out and you should be able to easily identify which foods may have caused it. Should you want to know more about what foods are good for you, I have a link under "Food Matters" which can be of assistance!



*.*.*. JOY .*.*.*

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