If you are nervous / or / anxious, get some music that you find relaxing. I found sounds of nature to be a good investment for me, also I have a machine that plays different sounds - rain, birds, waterfall, etc. Quite an amazing little tool.
For those of you with depression, find that music that lifts your spirits, it could be anything from a song you know and love from years ago that bring forth happy memories to anything current. Don't stick to one particular genre because, you will find that some days when one particular song works, other days it will not! Mix it up!
TIP: Get a whole stack of music you love and stick it on your iPod, or, make a CD or Tape that you can play wherever, whenever. I like setting my iPod up for certain music to play when I wake in the morning, it beats the old alarm clock!
ANOTHER GREAT TIP is, instead of relying on your car radio to keep you on a happy-note, play CD's & Tapes whilst driving instead. Keep a good collection from relaxation (not too relaxing:) ) to up-beat material.
... Move your furniture around, this changes the thought-pattern and helps mix things up! Incredibly effective, A CHANGE IS AS GOOD AS A HOLIDAY...!
... Get ORGANISED - Clear-out old cupboards (bedroom, kitchen, anywhere). Tidy things up in general. To begin with, you may feel so overwhelmed that the thought of doing so seems too drastic! What you do is this... Every day, get a big garbage bag (or small, depending on where you are with this emotionally and clutter-wise) and make an effort to fill it with things as you go about your day, then, throw it out! You will be surprised how quickly things become more organised AND you will start feeling better within yourself!!! It is much more difficult to sit in a home that is neat & tidy and get a bout of depression ;)
*.*.*. JOY .*.*.*
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